Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Before Division

before that, no thirst, but endless swallow
there was dusk
no lungs to stop it
the moist melody of earth gave me time
instead of taking it.
Mother's hurry wasn't there.
It wasn't for lack of love that we split.
The consonants of ocean-
crashing waves.
We are eternally moved out
of the unknown vowels
to crash on the surface with sound.
We thrive like flies on things
washed up from the depths unknown.
For us to go too deep is to explode.
Our lack of comprehension
keeps us in the shallow breathing water.

You left in the winter

I wish for the winter hours
to hide what thaws exposed.
Snow to veil me like sleep
drift sheets that float down
like the lasting quiet.
Since you are gone
my heart is fluid as the sun
spilling out wherever there is room
cloudy and bothersome puddles of me.
I want to be frozen solid,
to keep what is in me stll
so that if you come back,
I'll be as I was that winter.

burnt codes

The sun would tell you
I am made of burnt codes,
clockwork sorrow
and repeated patterns
of astonishment.

The baltic pain

the baltic pain of a day and it's missing peices,
dreams wake up and die out
as the appetites collide with one sore rise.
A body wheels through it's memory,
counting bone for bone the price it paid for comfort.
We are like stars, leaps across nothingness,
light shot out into bullet black air.